Person Centered support for those utilizing OPWDDÂ services in New York State
Providing individualized services and collaboration with your Circle of Support team

Kym Pettitt
I believe in the human right of self-determination. However, leading a self-determined life can be challenging while utilizing services through New York State’s Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). While there are several agencies providing services, large caseloads, high turnover, and learning curves ultimately impact the individual being served. Needed services are delayed and feelings of frustration begin to fester.
To lessen the frustration, I will collaborate with team members to move the process forward. I will also listen carefully to the individuals I serve and hold their vision for the future. By defining shorter-term goals and collaborating with others on the support team, we can explore options that promote meaningful participation in the community.
With over 20 years of experience in various settings, I’ve witnessed multiple perspectives. I've learned to identify overarching themes from many perspectives. With this experience and knowledge, I will provide person-centered planning and facilitate collaboration with Circles of Support.
​While my education is in business administration and human resource management, my true passion is advocacy. My experience as a mother has inspired me to advocate for others. I will advocate for inclusive solutions to support individual goals and valued outcomes.
For more details on my experience and education, click below.
Fairport, NY